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★★★★★455 Reviews: #Sweet and #Best #Cake >> #STRAWBERRY #PIE

★★★★★455 Reviews: #SweetandBestCake >> STRAWBERRY PIE 

#drink >> #cookies >> #pasta >> #food >> #chocolate >> #keto >> #bread >> #easy >> #vegetarian >> #cake >> #healthy >> #cooking

This time the cake is very delicious, it tastes sweet, crispy, and soft mixed into one and makes it very delicious. This cake is highly recommended for your sweet food lovers.

And you can make it yourself at home because the ingredients are easy to obtain and also still natural.

So, let's make this dish at home feel the sensation and adjust your taste ...


  • 2 chilled pie outside layers (refrigerated or natively constructed) 
  • 3 lb strawberries 
  • 1 lemon (pizzazz as it were) 
  • 1 glass darker sugar 
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch 
  • squeeze of salt 
  • 1 egg 
  • 1 tbsp white sugar (for tidying) 


  1. Preheat your broiler to 425. Softly splash a pie container with cooking shower. Line a preparing sheet with aluminum foil or material paper (to get dribbles). Put both aside. 
  2. Wash, body, and split your strawberries and spot in a blending bowl. 
  3. To strawberries, include the get-up-and-go of one lemon (no juice), dark-colored sugar, cornstarch, and squeeze of salt. Mix until very much consolidated. Try not to stress over little clusters of cornstarch or sugar, they will disintegrate in the stove. 
  4. Take off one pie covering and tenderly move to arranged pie skillet. Press pie hull into the dish and leave an overhang. 
  5. Add strawberry blend to the pie dish. 
  6. Take off second pie covering and utilize a blade or slicing instrument to cut 10-12 takes from pie batter. Weave strips over strawberry filling to make a grid hull. Crease top covering with the base hull and trim additional batter from sides of dish. 
  7. Make an egg wash by breaking an egg into a little dish and including a couple of drops of water. Utilize a baked good brush to softly coat top hull and edges with egg wash. Sprinkle gently with granulated sugar. 
  8. Spot pie container on the heating sheet and move to the broiler. Prepare at 425 for 10 minutes at that point diminish warmth to 350 and heat for one more hour. In the event that your outside layer is sautéing too rapidly, spread with foil. 
  9. Expel from the stove and let rest at room temperature for no less than a couple of hours before cutting. Store any remains in a sealed shut compartment in the icebox. 
  10. Appreciate!

Thank you for visiting my blog, enjoy it and have a good try

Click ==> Original recipe here :
